Thursday, December 12, 2013

Creepy Realization

This is going to be a bit different from previous posts.  I'm not going to tie my life events to a pop culture reference.  Instead, I'm going to tie my life events to my life events.  Crazy, huh?

So, I've been taking a Mass Communication class this semester as a part of earning my teaching license in English & Speech.  (This is why this blog was locked down for a while... we had an assignment that involved creating a blog, and I didn't want my classmates wandering into my personal blog by accident.)  Anyway, for our final project, we had to come up with a proposal for a research project.  Not actually doing the research project, mind you, but just doing background research and developing the plan for OUR project.  I decided to design a project about video game addiction among college students.  Why?  Because not only do I find the topic interesting, but because my ex-wife once suggested that I might have a gaming problem.

Guess what?  Looks like I do.

Between one article and one website, I was looking at different checklists of signs that a person might have a video game addiction.  The short list for school counselors?  Every single item on the list applied to me.  The much longer list from the "Online Gamers Anonymous" (OLGA) website?  Roughly two out of every three items applied to me... mostly since MMORPGs don't really appeal to me anymore.

So, yeah.  I have a video game addiction.  Not sure what to do about it right now.  I've tried cutting back, and it never lasts for more than a day or two (yet another item on the checklist!)

Oh, and did I mention that most of the school counselor checklist for internet addiction also applied to me?