Saturday, March 10, 2012

Story of the Title

So, years ago I read a book by Orson Scott Card entitled The Worthing Saga. For years this was a favorite book of mine, particularly the short stories that filled the second half of the book. (My favorite of the short stories was called "Killing Children" but that's not important at the moment.

The Worthing Saga is partially about people with psychic powers. (By "partially" I mean that this is part of the premise, not the point of the book.) There is a ceremony in the story called "Floating the Stone" in which one psychic lies upon a slab of stone while several other psychics concentrate on the slab until it becomes liquescient. The person lying on the stone sinks in, and basically puts their mind into the stone as a kind of mental stasis, then draws the mind of another into themselves. If the other mind "fits" it means that the psychic who is "floating the stone" can understand the other... is mentally and emotionally compatible with them. If not, the psychic goes insane and the slab of stone is allowed to resolidify with their body trapped inside.

I started this blog with the idea that I would use it to explore conflicts in my life from the perspective of the other person... but now that I've started writing I'm not so sure that this is what I really need to say here... I guess I'll wait and see what it is that wants to come out of me.

UPDATE: Several month later, and I have finally written a couple more posts. It seems the new direction is to take books, movies, song lyrics, and television shows that speak to me about where I'm at in life, and critically examine the lessons they teach. We'll see how this goes.

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